Ape o mosca? Il segreto per avere relazioni di successo

Ape o mosca? Il segreto per avere relazioni di successo 570 395 Beecome

Cercare il nettare, l’essenza in ogni fiore. Questo il desiderio dell’ape.

Proprio come l’ape cerca il nettare anche nei luoghi più inaspettati, possiamo ricercare le qualità positive in chi ci circonda, tirando fuori il meglio di noi stessi e degli altri, affrontando al contempo gli aspetti negativi in modo gentile e costruttivo.

Ecco un articolo interessante che spiega il diverso approccio dell’ape e della mosca.

“The honeybee flies from flower to flower, extracting only the nectar, without disturbing the flower. The mindset of a honeybee is to seek the essence of each flower, even in a place filled with rotten garbage.

Rather than giving its attention to all the filth, the bee keeps its focus on finding nectar, and it eagerly flies to even a single tiny flower amidst miles and miles of garbage.

In our relationships we have much to learn from the honeybee: it teaches us the art of focusing on the positives and dealing appropriately with the faults in each other.

Just as the bee seeks the nectar even in the most unexpected of places, we can aim to seek the positive qualities in those around us.

The fly represents another type of mindset in a relationship. The fly will travel over hundreds of flowers but what does it focus on? It focuses on tasting garbage and excrement. It ignores the sweet fragrance of the rose gardens and even in the best of circumstances, and in the tidiest places, the fly will focus on garbage and trash. This represents the mindset of those  ignoring the good qualities in those around us and focusing on their faults.

Fault finding is a habit. The more we give into it, the more we become obsessed by it. In relationships it is important to have honest, well-wishing communication focused on appreciating the positives while dealing with the negatives in a gracious and constructive manner. Trying to bring out the best in each other, in doing so we learn to recognize the positive qualities within ourselves too”.

Radhanath Swami